Lucas Maassen & Sons Furniture Factory.

A dream job for any kid! I was amazed with this video.  Cool idea! 

Some creatives tend to think to much when create something, that is the difference between kids and adults, because children just do it, without thinking, and this is the best way to create something new, fearless.

This is the history of Lucas Maasens and Sons.


Lucas Maassen has employed his 3 sons, Thijme (9), Julian (7) and Maris (7). His Sons are responsible for the paint job of the furniture which is build in the factory. They get paid 1 Euro for every piece of furniture they paint. As agreed by the contract they signed.


Due to Dutch child labour laws it is only possible for Thijme, Julian and Maris to work for 3 hours a week. As a result of this the production speed has became a crucial factor in the process. Time limitations are set, they contribute to the typical LM&S aesthetics.


All furniture is build by hand and painted by hand.

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